Sunday, July 31, 2011

still holding a grudge

on the (speaker) phone with my brother and mother

Angela: Mom! I'm still mad you cut my hair. I told you to trim it and you cut off like four inches!!
Mom: Uh oh.
Angela (in head): what is she actually saying sorry?
Andy: Just so you know she's not saying uh oh because of your hair. She just saw a fly on the wall.

"Frankenstein Cat"

i am trying not to hate, trying not to stereotype. but cannot help but be annoyed at the moment.

+ fobby fobs who talk loudly, wear expensive yet tasteless clothing, and have obnoxious hair.
+ middle school brat girls who wear "princess" scripted in rinestones on their shirts

Friday, July 29, 2011

joke joke joke

what object do I use every day that is louder than a lawnmower??


MY LAPTOP!!!! LOLOL...wait but no really.

would like to upgrade i am getting very annoyed -__- (first world problem)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

morning rambles

these days, I have been quite compelled to just unfriend people. It's not a matter of spite, but a feeling I get.

Like someone's name will appear on my newsfeed and my reactionary response will be reflective of how I inherently feel about them. And for some people, I feel either some sort of nagging dislike or aloofness towards and I feel the need to just take out a pair of scissors and snip.

After graduating, I have been a lot more forward about doing this. Why do I need someone I don't like/ don't know well peeking at all the information I spill online? Why are they in my friends category if they really should be "distant aquaintance" I mean... the fear used to be that if you burn this bridge then you will surely encounter them in the future and they will think "OH MY GAWD YOU DEFRIENDED ME YOU JERK"
but when is the next time I'm going to run into that girl I went to camp with 4 years ago? Or why do I put up with seeing the face of someone I don't like on my newfeed all the time?

burning bridges has such a negative connotation. Sounds like you are murdering a relationship. Really, fb defriending is just covering that peephole that lets people you don't know so well peek into your life. so take advantage of that...

angela, you dork. i cant believe you just wrote a post about facebook friending.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011

Faith in strangers

Today I was walking down Van Ness with some co-workers and a disturbing thing happened. I heard a loud quick scream and looked 10 feet to my right and found an old emaciated woman being squished by bus doors. The automated doors had accidentally shut on her and she was too frail and weak to escape. To make matters worse, she had a full leg brace and was on crutches. As soon as I looked up I was shocked to see what was going on, and instinctively ran up to help open the door for her. My co worker joined and the woman eventually freed herself. It all happened pretty quickly and I focused on the task at hand, but could NOT HELP BUT NOTICE this one man who had been right in front of the woman when it happened, but did nothing. He was doing nothing when the woman was being squished, and he continued to do nothing when my co worker and I pried the doors open.

I mean, come on! In the words of my co-worker "what a dick!"

Luckily, my faith in strangers has been redeemed by a few other meaningful instances this week.

1. This Monday I was headed out of the bart car when I saw a blind man, no older than 30, having trouble getting out of the station. I walked past him, unsure about what to do. I was half way up the escalator when I said to myself "what the heck are you doing angela, HELP HIM, DURRR!" I ran back, and timidly peeked past the pillars to see if the guy was still there. He was, but now he was holding the arm of a middle aged gentleman who was leading him to the right direction. Seeing this, I remember feeling super warm inside. Once I got back on the escalator I kept turning back to look at the man, and signaled my approval with a huge grin him. He didn't see it, so I kept turning back to grin, then i felt really kind of creepy so I stopped. I walked slowly after leaving the escalator, and saw that the man continued to wait for his new blind companion, elbow out and ready to help. What a man.

2. At the SF Pride I met this girl named Jasmine. Total stranger, who happened to interject during my conversation with another person on my team. We ended up going to Starbucks together because it was really early and for the next few hours we just... sat around and talked. Fast forward, it's a month later and she's leaving for Columbia tomorrow. We decide to meet up for dinner and she goes out of her way to meet me after work, bart to a place that is convenient to me, then spills out nothing but support and advice for my pre-med application. She asks for nothing in return. She is a kind genuine soul and I hope to see her again.

getting tired so going to make these next two very brief

3. On the way back from SF to Berkeley, an elderly hispanic looking woman sits next to me, with a HUGE boquet of flowers. She sits down and I comment "they smell good" to which she responds with a huge smile. We continue to converse in broken Spanglish for a good 10 minutes, and she tells me about how she moved from Nicaragua 20 years ago, her daughter is a nurse who performed heart surgery on her own child, and that she teaches dance classes at the 5th floor in the Bank of America (at least that's what I interpreted-i may have not understood everything).

i realize I really like talking to strangers. I want to meet more.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

So I barely know you buti I think I already love you. I hope that we can be good friends some time. I hope I can watch you grow up and maybe help save the world from some of the dissapointments and horrors we talked about. I am so glad I got to live with you- you are the type of real person I have wanted to meet for such a long time.

Well that wasn't creepy at all.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

i am very glad when good things happen to good and humble people, and that whatever fate out there (if existent) sees through the almost flawless fakers

Monday, July 18, 2011

"i just wanted to let you know that you are my favorite person in the world!"

i would like to take this minute out of my day to relish in the fact that despite my constant complaints about school and work and apps... I am extremely happy these days. not just content, more than satisfied. Actually. Really. Happy.


Sunday, July 17, 2011

The unfortunate truth.

As terrible as this sounds, applying to medical school (or many other things, for that matter) has a strange way of making you wish you were disadvantaged.


Saturday, July 16, 2011

my apologies for being a massive flake. 40 hour workweek/school/apps makes it hard for me to make sure I give friends their allotted slice of the pie. By the end of august i hope to make it all up, really :\

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

okay so this might be kind of weird, but when I listen to the instrumental version a song I am familiar with, I have a DISTINCT sensation of eating pancakes without syrup. complete with imagery and taste. my own version of synesthesia, i guess

another absurd yet normal work annoucnement

gonna try some of these

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Thursday, July 7, 2011

done it all!

go to a peruvian drag queen's birthday celebration, complete with ice cream cake. check.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011