Tuesday, November 15, 2011

in the words of Dr. Hsu himself


Friday, November 11, 2011

can't get over it.

I'm leaving for south africa in 20 days to help host a research workshop that I'm interning for. Originally, my boss said I couldn't go because the program didn't have funding for me but I fought pretty hard and pulled out every card I had to try and convince them to take me. I even offered to pay for my flight ticket (>$1600 by now) and offered to find my own housing. In the last week, my plans for the latter fell through so many times I seriously felt like I might be homeless. After a dramatic, exhausting, and desperate search I returned to my boss with a list of dinky hostels and their prices. I put my puppy dog face on and asked whether my program could afford to house me in a humbly $20/night hostel a few miles away. I guess my puppy face works pretty good because the funding worked out better than I could have expected. I will be staying in the Vineyard Hotel with the other faculty and scholars attending the workshop. Wala:

Finding out about this yesterday, I was completely blown away. I am really, really, really fortunate. How did I get this lucky? Not only in this housing situation, but in the whole situation in general. How did I end up having this opportunity to go to south africa? How did I end up having the opportunity to help out in this workshop in the first place? How did I get my internship @ the HIV research section in the San Francisco Department of Public Health?

In May, I applied for two parallel summer internships at the SFDPH. I was dying to have the research assistant position, and I randomly threw in another application for the social media position. I was sure the latter was going to be a long shot given my skills and focus, but I threw it in for kicks because it sounded like it would be fun and what is there to lose?

When I had my phone interview for the research position, I choked up so bad I turned pink while I was talking.

"What's your greatest weakness"
"Ermm..Umm...sometimes i get pretttyy busy and cant handle my schedule" (facepalm)

"okay.. um.. so. We often interact with members of the LGBT community. Can you speak about your experiences with the LGBT community?"
"durrr....urr..um... freshman year... (some crap about having my former hallmate being gay that didnt make sense or sound impressive at all)"- instant palmface, and internal bashing.

I hung up, and was not called back for an in person interview (as expected). A few days later, I checked my inbox and found an email that literally changed my life

What is this... a second chance?! I prepared so hard for this interview, asked my brother to grill me, lived in my room for 2 days reciting all of the questions I could think of to my reflection in the mirror...and when it came time for the interview I literally "W0W"-ed my boss over the phone. Lesson learned- NEVER wing an interview. I cannot stress the importance of being prepared for an interview. It makes the difference. I dont know if you read this, my friends... but Amy, Joyce, and Stephen thank you for being my references :) They helped me get through to the interview round when I bought a freakin' $200 suit from BR, trained myself for some grilling, went in for some grilling, then a week later got my acceptance for a 10 week internship starting June. By mid of August, I was dreading the end of my work. I loved what I did, but knew I had to say goodbye. Then, on my last week of work my boss offered me a full time position until next May and I literally started tearing up in happiness. From a shitty phone interview in to a full time position at a place I love... HOW DOES SHIT LIKE THIS HAPPEN?

Once I landed a full time job here, next logical step was housing. After a rough month of housing search, I landed an awesome place in the heart of the city that is close to every single freaking neighborhood in San Francisco and only a 15 minute walk from work. In a sea of >$1200/month options I found this place for a price that is cheaper than my Berkeley housing was. All the girls I live with are awesome. I got rebecca to live with me, even. HOW DOES SHIT LIKE THIS HAPPEN?

Fast forward 3 months later, and now I get to travel to South Africa for work and live in a ludicrously pimped out hotel and spa. Originally, my thoughts on South Africa were "Sweet. I get to go, this is awesome. Too bad I don't know anyone who lives there or anything about the area." Within a day, I found out Mo, my freshman year RA..is going to be in town for the exact dates I'm going to be there. Within a week, I found out Judy's good friend is in Cape Town and was willing to help me out if I needed anything. Within that same week, Austin's mom contacted me telling me she just travelled to South Africa for 3 weeks and wanted to help me plan my travels and inform me about the area. And here's the shocker. Just yesterday I found out one of my good friends from high school is living in Cape Town for the next two months and offered me to stay with her. She is also my brother's ex-gf.

I am amazed and grateful for my good fortunes because there is absolutely nothing more I could have asked for. It's too much. During a time when it's been hard for people to even find work, I happened to have a great stroke of luck and it is taking me so far. Everything just fell in place. I hope I always remain thankful for the fortunes that fall into my lap and not take anything for granted. I hope that any unemployed/looking for work friends reading this will please be assured that there's hope in finding that job that just works out for you. if you work hard at it, you can make it happen. Hold out for it =]

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

dear ma and pa,

i'm sorry I can be mean to you sometimes. i am too stubborn for my own good. Ironically, think I get it from the both of you. I understand your concerns and worries as parents...in fact it actually makes me feel grateful and lucky that you care so much. It's just that when I talk to you about something I think I'm already in control of, I get pretty short tempered and impatient. I still love you very much though, and will work on the patience thing.
