Monday, April 26, 2010

old pepo wisdom




today while biking with pat, we befriended this dude named Clint. Clint is 50+ years old. He is also crazy. He has a daughter and commutes from Richmond to some Easy Bay city (i forget the name) every day at 5:30 in the morning. For 2.5 hours. On his bike. While talking to Clint, I was pretty inspired at how carefree he seemed. He was hummed loudly and talked a lot, cracking jokes and spilling advice (many times TMI) to us while we politely nodded. He's done wildflower 20+ times, is going to do an "easy ironman" in the next few months as a recovery for his knee injury.

So we followed him on a little (actually really long) detour from grizzly peak ride to Wildcat as he imparted wisdom to our our naive, young'n heads.

"it's great that you guys are out here. to be honest, out of 100 kids your age, only 20 are in college. and even of those people not enough realize what a blessing it os. So many opportunities"
"For me, I'm old but I'm happy to wake up every day. glad to even be able to do something like bike 100 miles"

he then advised us to watch out for "girls flashing their boobies" at wildflower (in T minus 4 days!!)

One more interesting tidbit on his resume- he won $5000 dollars for winning a triathlon back in the day but apparently that's zilch to prize earnings today- ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS for the big kahuna winners. yowza.

end post.