This past winter I had my brother reformat computer. He did a great job, except he made one crucial mistake- he deleted most of my personal files -_________-. I tried to recover them using a document recovery but most of them are lost for good. Sometimes I cringe a little when I need one of those files, but luckily I have my passwords file, my pictures, and a few of my song files saved. its okay bro, maybe these things happen for a reason.
So I have this special word doc. Or I should say- used to have this word doc. One that I have been writing in since my FIRST day of Freshman year at Cal, all the way until this past winter before reformatting. I wrote in it to capture the strongest of my emotions-everything from emotional turmoil of boy drama to my first time drinking. Typical college stuff, but attached to it was the personal sentiment that always makes it mine and mine only.
I remember my first few months were filled with details on a huge crush I had on A.M. (yes I realized I don't GAF about revealing certain things that used to be completely personal to me beofre). I wrote about my classes, my insecurities about the friendships I made on my floor, and a lot of family drama.
Other notable entries included PHIDE/KGD rejections, and memories I felt back in Stadium. I have lonely entries and happy entries. I talked about the stupid things I said my first time drinking like "ASK ME ANY DERIVATIVE." To an extent, it's kinda like this blog but with ALL the personal details, since it was password protected.
Of course I had entries (literally at least 20 pages worth over the year) about A.R. and fckfest that followed. I have entires about a breakdown I had soph year, wanting to join the Cal track team. I have entries about a certain event in the Saratoga hills that led to a series of fortunate and unfortunate events. I have entries about the time my research lab made me cry. I wrote about my APHIO family from my first impressions to now. I have entries so personal that I literally cringe and look away just when I read it.
Thinking back on it, I have never poured so much of my soul into it. It was a work of complete, unadulterated honesty in all the good, bad, fugly that made up my life here at Cal.
As you can guess, this doc was deleted along with the rest during the word doc armageddon of my computer.
I am at a loss of words. Part of me is sad that I won't ever be able to reminisce in certain memories with as much vivid detail as I infused into each typed paragraph. I am sure I will forever forget some memories I posted. But maybe everything happens for a reason and maybe this is a good thing. Perhaps this was the best thing that could have ever happened in order for me to completely let go of certain memories.
Today I start new doc. And will forever remember to back up posts.
a photostream memoir for the record; may my documented college memories RIP:
Since 401, spens black.
no boobies!
mee chubs! APO fam!
my first time drinking. i have no idea who the other person in this picture is