Monday, March 28, 2011



this is the second time I've been at the VLSB computer lab and blasted my music only to find out it was coming from the computer and not my headphones. At least 5 people looked up and stared at me. VLSB, ATTACH THOSE HEADPHONES!!

my face is so pink right now :(

Friday, March 25, 2011

life goal # 239580: never grow accustomed to monotony

so no matter what you've been through
no matter what you're into
no matter what you see when you look outside your window
brown grass, green grass
picket fence or barbed wire
never ever puttin 'em down
you just lift your arms higher
raise until you're arms tired
let 'em know you're there
that you're strugglin' survivin', you gon' persevere
ain't nobody leavin, nobody goin' home
even if they turn the lights out the show is goin' on.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

jeez louise.

you remember how a few days ago I posted about Bieber's new haircut?

(not going to lie, he be lookin' pretty cute)

They decided to auction a lock of hair and it sold on ebay for a staggering $40,668.

I have pretty mixed feelings about this. To think that people would shell out so much money for a LOCK OF HAIR is a little upsetting. It capitalizes on the hierarchy of human value, and that some people seem to be worth so much more than others. Why? When we're all human, born with the (mostly) same anatomy and DNA. I guess its a great thing for JB to do though, since he ended up donating to an animal rights fund. STILL. When i get my hair cut, nobody ever offers to buy it. PEOPLE THESE DAYS!

new favorite supermodel.

I just woke up from a 2 hr nap and had this bizarr-o dream. From it, i learned that

1) There is really something bothering me about going back to berzerk
2) My confidence in the future, while growing, is still greatly influenced by my perceptions of other people and how they view me. This needs to dissolve.

thats all,
awake from hibernation and hungry hungry as a hippo

(LOL in part of my dream, I was eating alone on a rainy day at McDonalds. I had fries and a burger. This was not fun, and quite embarrassing when my friends said hi to me at the other table)

keep cheezin'

While meeting up with my GSI the other day, he introduced me to the idea of meditation and invited me to a meditation session in Santa Clara. Much to say about it in a later post, but here's one of the articles ( discussed during the post-meditation "Aha" sessions:

an intriguing UC Berkeley 30-year longitudinal study that examined the smiles of students in an old yearbook, and measured their well-being and success throughout their lives. By measuring the smiles in the photographs the researchers were able to predict: how fulfilling and long lasting their marriages would be, how highly they would score on standardized tests of well-being and general happiness, and how inspiring they would be to others. The widest smilers consistently ranked highest in all of the above.

Even more surprising was a 2010 Wayne State University research project that examined the baseball cards photos of Major League players in 1952. The study found that the span of a player’s smile could actually predict the span of his life! Players who didn’t smile in their pictures lived an average of only 72.9 years, while players with beaming smiles lived an average of 79.9 years.

..Charles Darwin, who in addition to theorizing on evolution in The Origin of the Species, also developed the Facial Feedback Response Theory, which suggests that the act of smiling actually makes us feel better (rather than smiling being merely a result of feeling good).

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

GOODNESS GRACIUOS. In 10 minutes, I'm meeting with my GSI who I haven't see in a year for a letter of rec/ getting to know me conversation. and all the sudden.... I panic. So I call you.

Dear _ _ _ _,
you don't know how glad I am to have you as a friend. I don't know how you did it, but all the sudden you've become wise beyond your years.

So I'm going to take a breath, follow your advice, and be myself...


Monday, March 21, 2011

Sunday, March 20, 2011


I remember when I first heard about this devastating 8.9 magnitude earthquake, i took it lightly. not by intention, but by ignorance. I knew it was "bad" and i tried to imagine just how "bad" it was, but my imagination failed until footage came out. looking back, i feel so dumb and useless.

i still feel dumb and useless. but now, less dumb, and ( a little bit) less useless.

DO IT!!!!!!! 2 hours left

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

as much as I hate to admit it, I am kind of attracted with this new haircut and all..

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

hum de dum

trying to work on this lab report but feeling so darn nostalgic. rainy days in my childhood were the epitome of warmth. at around this time of day, my two brothers and sister would all come home and sit by the TV, watching our favorite TV shows after a long day at school. we'd turn up the heat, cuddle under the blankets, and be a warm family together.

now we are so much progressed in life. older, more mature, and so absorbed in our grown up lives that the closest we come to reliving these times is in the warm reminiscence of memory. my sister even has a family of her own now for jebus sake! who let that happen.

i hope we all end up happy

where the heck is my other umbrella?

errybunny just want some love

Monday, March 14, 2011

its just satisfying

there are few things in life that beat a heart to heart conversation with one of your best friends.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Thursday, March 10, 2011

i have 7 pages of writing to do for my Oceans class and my Asian Am class. The best part about it is that I have recently discovered perfect bed writing posture. I used to not be able to type in bed but I have now found the perfect position so that I can both lie down, type, and not get carpel tunnel syndrome!


PS look what else I discovered:

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

rest in peace, Adrian! You were one of the happiest campers I knew.

he wanted me to spread the word! he composed music for this:

Monday, March 7, 2011

back when I was in middle school, I used to be the most awkward dancer of all time. I was stiff as cardboard, dude. self conscious and immobile with every single move i made. four term president of square bear nation.

im not sure what happened, but over the years my aversion to dancing reversed into an affinity towards it. I dance in my room, dance in the shower, dance when i'm running (quite literally).

I dunno. Whenever i hear a good song these days i just want to break out into a dougie.


okay back to writing 2 papers for this week ;(


oh and happy birthday to my fwenz amy and lloyd!! :)
im pretty sure no one in lab except understands what the fck is going on -__-

don't mean to point fingers for my own lack of understanding but i swear this class could use better teaching.
when you give help, you shouldn't do so begrudgingly.

A lot of times i/you/we forget this and act like we hold some sort of elevation upon the asker. Emphasize that we are bending over backwards to help them so they should therefore a)feel sorry or b)feel like the owe us one back

try not to forget that favors should not rooted in this sentiment!

Sunday, March 6, 2011