Goodbye cape town, you've been far too good to me. I'm going to miss your trees and your hills and your tiger tiger clubs and astern bazaar buffet. The way you say "robots" instead of "street lights" and the cute way you prefer to "queue here". I'm glad to have checked off the Lion's head and Table Mountain, but having that empty square next to "devil's peak" leaves something to be desired. A vengeance, perhaps, for an unspecified date to come.
no one was around. i was sitting on the dirty mottled carpet on floor 15 of the perspectives building. In that lonely chairless cheerless atrium, 9 floors away from my belongings... this was the only spot I could get internet. When I opened the email, I think I yelped quite loudly. I looked to the left, looked to the right- but still no one except for the fire exit whom I coolly acknowledged.
With no phone access and broken skype, I couldn't call my family or friends nor could I even holla to my hostess, as she was working in the city hospital for several more hours. So, in this deserted little room I celebrated internally and basked in the quiet celebration of social media.
after a trying 30 hour journey home, I received this as a final welcome home gift:
I DO NOT LIKE YOU VERY MUCH, you fast food eating mariscos stuffing unprincipled slimy credit card thief!! Gave me quite the heart attack but THANK YOU citicards for taking care of this :)
been a crazy 36 hours