Friday, July 6, 2012

sorry, another hair post

if you are bored of me talking about my hair, you're going to have a bad time reading this post. might as well quit and read something more interesting.

In the summer of 2011, I almost had long flowy hair. It was a great length, a few inches below my shoulder. I was aspiring to grow it out even longer but one fateful day last summer, my mom chopped it to the length of my chin. I was furious. I vowed to never let anyone screw up my hair again.

Lesson #1: Never let mom cut my hair

Fast forward to present time. Well I suppose history repeats itself because this summer I was finally well on my way to having "long" hair again when I decided a year of cultivating my locks merited a trim. So I called up a hair salon just for a minimal trim and some hair styling and WHADDYA know, they mess it up. The end result was layers so choppy my stylist literally had to ask another woman at the salon to fix it. Still not happy with the operation, I went home and tried to even out the layers myself.

Lesson # 2: Never try to fix your own hair, Angela

After a terrible disaster cutting my own hair, I rushed to Lloyd's hairstylist who has been cutting his hair for over 10 years (pause for awww). She finally fixed it. It looked good! Well as good as you can get after having two hair cut accidents within the week. But now I'm back at square one and will have to sit and wait and be patient for another year before I can finally join the long hair club.

So. I, Angela, do solemnly swear to let no one cut my hair (except for minor trimmings!) for an entire year. NO SNIP SNIP UNTIL JULY 6, 2013.

TL;DR: For as long as I can remember, I have wanted this hair:

So senior year of college, I started growing it out

2011 sometime spring. ALMOST LONG!

RUH ROH. Accidents happen. This is months after my mom "trimmed" my long hair. 
(Also, meet Janice she's one of the best friends I could ask for)

Vegas Summer 2012: Woohoo a year later and it's growing back nice and healthy! 
(And in case you haven't met lloyd, here he is!)

Today: Not what I expected after a "trim"
PS if you notice theres a tiny bit of red in there! dyed a chunk of it last week on impulse

So there you have it. ok ok, I'll stop posting narcissistic blogs about my hair for a while. Hopefully in a year roarim20 is still open for business and I'll be able to show the world that I have the self restraint to stay away from scissors for a year. See you next July folks!