it's a dangerous slippery slope but all you need is the right rope.
holy cows.
holy cow 1. my internal organs are exhausted. it's been a long, enduring week and i don't think i've ever felt an emotional toll like ths in a while. during nurtition discussion this afternoon, i could feel this strange sense of tiredness expanding throughout my body. for some reason, it felt good.
holy cow 2. throughout my adolescent life, i'd have these phases where i just SPLURGED out word vomit at 3am. it's now 3am but i dont know if i have the energy for more word vomit. why? because i spent a good 2 hours word vomiting earlier.
i'll tell you something. on my first day of college 3 years ago, i started a word document. It's password protected, and for a darn good reason. i keep all my dirty little secrets in there. you thought my FB notes were ugly? these bad boys are monster i keep in the closet.
it is my personal opinion that when you are going through an extremely significant spout of emotion, you should take the liberty to do whatever it is you feel. and once you do what you feel, take the privelage to record it. there are times when I regret not being able to remenisce in my strong memories i felt in the past, or am able to weakly do so since memory fades. i think i am going to start videologging things too; I want to remember at least a few thinks about youthful life say I decided to reflect back in 20 years.
oops i digressed again. actually nevermind this post has no direction anyway.
about my handy dandy word doc... Since 2010 started, my entries have been pretty wimpy, since I often get lazy or just am not in the mood to write. but today, my brain was just exploding with things to say. once my keys hit the board, i couldn't stop.
this single entry i wrote in my word doc topped records for most pages written in a single day. it stretches from page 9 to page 21 in calibri size 12 font. all full with word vomit. about this last year, about things i've learned, things i've celebrated, things i've hated, things that have made me tick. things that have made me vulnerable. it was the best therapy i've had in a long while, and now that i have my word vomit all spread out on paper, i feel strangely complacent. writing can be perfect therapy.
holy cow 3: i have 2 midterms 0n monday. darn. this past week i was so emotionally invested in the end of an era that I have not started studying. i am already padding my pants for the sure-fire ass kicking i am sure to receive come 3pm monday.
holy cow 4: i love my friends. i love them. there was a huge floating bush that has been dropping lemons onto my head since the semester started. the difference between angela today and angela a year ago was that I hadn't found you guys back then. to you guys, thank you for sheilding me.
holy cow 5: 3:38 am a wave of sleepiness falls over me. my eyes are starting to droop. but joyce is coming over in a few minutes to make mochi! must..stay..awake.. my hand just did that fidgety thing where it jumps up 3 inches and wakes me up when i am about to doze off
holy cow 6: you know what's embarrasing? implusively raising your hand to answer a question in lecture only to realize you have no idea what the answer is. why did i do that? haha rofl. thats embarrasing, wow it sucks to be angela at 4:30pm in 101 morgan hall.
holy cow #7: I need to get rid of this darn tanline