Friday, June 4, 2010
Thoughts on Friendship
within these past few weeks I've been doing so much, actually, too much thinking.
We all go our separate ways in life. We may head in similar directions (career, location, etc) but our paths in life ultimately diverge because we are not the same person. The closest things to an exception are your family and the one you end up marrying, because those ties cannot or should not be broken. Thoughts on this:
1. So in the end, what keeps you connected to people once you are blown out of college into a million different directions? Ultimately it's gotta be the mutual enjoyment you get from each other's company. With no heartfelt enjoyment out of time spent together, there's no true desire to keep the friendship alive and it will probably fade with time. Harsh, but lets be real.
2. I believe that the true tests of friendship are time and distance. We all have a ton of "hang out" friends, but what happens if two monkeys can't hang from the same tree no mo'? Or if one monkey goes banana hunting, gets lost, and doesn't return until 4 years later? Prime examples: a. Going to different colleges and b.studying abroad.
Removed from the same environment for several months, there must be some element of REALNESS rather than CONVENIENCE that holds you steadfast to one another. Think about it and you may be able to distinguish the ones that tickle your heart. Those are the ones to cherish.
3. Not to say don't cherish the others. If you end up being co-workers with a cool monkey, friend them. Sometimes the most fun you have is joking around with people you barely know. Maybe you'll end up marrying them, maybe you'll never hear from or see them after a year. whatever. enjoy them anyway because you have nothing to lose.
4. I think another reason I'm so compelled to write this friendship post is because these past few weeks have surprised me. I admit that during busy semesters at Berkeley, communication with my hometown friends is barely a pulse. But in the past few weeks, I've taken a step back into the lives of my old buddies and realize how rich and unifying a shared past is. I feel like I've had more real fun with you guys these past 3 weeks than the time I've spent in the shithole that Berkeley has been to me this past semester.
5 highlights so far to remember in the future cus my memory right now sucks:
1. Being cougars and jumping into the MV Pool with a bunch of high school freshmen during PE, posing as "Annie and Jelene" the 2 lynbrook freshmen who transferred on the last week of school
2. pink godzilla, Climbing tree 9 at UCSC and getting lost in the forest, TIED with underground tunnel exploring at UCI
3. Clubbing and 4am McDonalds run
4. Birthday surprise
5. HIMYM, freeaks and geeks, set, guitar hero, guitar, and getting ownd in smash -.-
+ the inevitable random tangents.
1. 50 dollar giftcard from Urban! Who's down for some shoppppping!
2. This is a long ass post. I have too much time, I'm actually very glad MCATs and work starts next week.
3. It was a week ago we were eating duck at 3am, watching PS I love you before seeing you off to the airport. Fly off to bigger things and make the world yours. I miss you because August is so far away =[ I found the most unflattering picture to commemorate you in this post: