Tuesday, July 6, 2010

good day

...would be an understatement. I'm feelin' terribly awesome right now. don't get me wrong this post is not in vain to say HI IM HAPPY! Its just that every once in a while I flash back to my state of mind in Berkeley these past few months and i still cringe a little inside. But how I feel right now- its 180 degrees of difference. It's only natural I relish in in the feeling.
I'm satisfied with all that is surrounding me in my life right now- I have no complaints and a lot of things to look forward to. Things I actually feel childishly giddy thinking about. And the funny thing is that I don't even really know the root of this stellar feeling. Maybe its cus I had a good day with co-workers today. maybe cus i just had a quality catch up with a friend on a flippin' amazing night run up the hills. I forgot how lovely they are at night... Maybe its because after the run we found a basketball at the park and I took it home with me. free basketball, yay!

y'know i have no idea why i feel this way. there are a billion things I can attribute it to... but i know i have lots of work to do so let my brain spill some bullets so i can get started on more bio passages. reality. yuck.


1. Today in the middle of work i realized- there is a diary I started when I was 13 years old. I wrote in it for momentous occasions until I was 17, when I switched to diary number 2. Journal 3 is in my computer (notice how I call it JOURNAL because diary is the word that teeny boppers use and the mature self that I am does not write in a diary. pSSHAAAW.). ANYWAY. i realized in the middle of work today- that i have NO idea where that first diary is. I remember my first entry in it- middle school graduation. I even cut out a tiny picture and pasted it into my diary haha. Near the middle of it there's a trip I took to new york. Swimming throughout the pages are a few important firsts I felt were dire enough to record. very many embarrasing confessions as well. Whoever, if anyone, gets a hold of it has access to the most intimate details of my early to mid adolescent life! I came home today to look for it but its nowhere in sight >(..I need to find it.

2. My cousin just had a baby! What does that make me? Second cousin? Aunt? Removed Aunt? Uncle?
Her first name is Stella, and her middle name is-get this- TIGER. rawr.

3. The phrase "key to your heart" is truly a fitting phrase when you think about it. It's funny how you never really choose the people who hold the key- they just come and sneak in and all the sudden...they can break in whenever they'd like and fill your heart with happy.

... or they can rob you. heh heh...

4. at work, theres a group of japanese/korean MD's who are doing research in the same room I'm working in. Today, as I was walking into the room to begin work- i TOTALLY walked in on one of them changing. Not knowing what to do, I stupidly turned around and faced the door and just...stood there, facing the door... I don't know why I didn't just leave. After about 5 seconds I turned around to face him again and all he said was UHHH EXCUSE ME??!!! he was still half dressed. hahaaa oh man. stupidity reigns on awkward situations, huh.