i am so tired. this is word vomit. there will be grammar errors i dgaf.
notes to self:
use groupons
mail j
mail other j
ear care stuff for cartilage x(
notebook for HIV notes
figure out to do with EDC tickets
sell examcrackers books to vs
hellow. i just finished my second monday of work. yaaaayh. Finally got to meet with my supervisor David who was at the HPTN (HIV prevention trials network) conference for the past few weeks.
I'm really liking work so far. I'm finally done with the human subjects training and other of the logistical stuff and finally get to start doing research on some aspect of HIV prevention that I will update for the section's official blog. So far, I'v really been enjoying the brown bag lunches/educational seminars. There are some amazing docs at the HIV research section, and hearing them speak about the developments in HIV prevention, treatment, and vaccine trials I find quite fascinating actually.
The people I work with are all really fun loving. Most of them are from the bay, and i'd have to say like 80% of the staff I work with is homosexual. Nothing wrong with it, just I've never worked in such an environment. They are super friendly and welcoming. I'm not at the point where I would go and hang out with any of them after work, so I tend to just head back to berk after the long shift.
After spending the last 3 days in non stop company with all the hsus and the bro in law I haven't really been lonely. But walking to the bart on my way home, at like 8PM as the sun was setting... I definitely fell into a small slump. Where was the warmth and comfort of the people I am most comfortable with? For the first time in a long while it felt really weird to not have those people to come home to.
But when I actually got back to berk it didn't take long for me to shake that feeling off. My friends were still here, waiting to spend time with me :) What a brat I am to have forgotten this. Having been @ home for so long, I spent most of my free time with one person. I guess this 50 mile difference has actually been pretty good for me; I needed that shove to reinvest in old friends instead of ringing lloyd's doorbell to troll him every day.
okay tomorrrow's a big day! actually not really, but kind of. I am meeting with professor machen tomorrow to finish off my final LOR. I am pretty excited to be done with the app, but i know secondaries are going to pour in as soon as I blink -___-
also, my hair is growing pretty long. Debating whether to trim it or let it grow even longer.
my stomach hurts :( chih ming why did you feed me that grapefruit after swimming.