Good: Woke up for a run today and found out my legs had been converted to springs overnight! Took advantage of the rare feel-good opportunity and ran the longest consecutive run since my marathon. Felt so good to breathe in nature again.
Bad: Halfway through the day my lower back started aching terribly. I don't know how it started but it's getting pretty ridiculous. Never remember taking meds for aches in my life, but I guess there's a first for everything
Ugly: Realization of how crippling it is to be broke when you want to go everywhere.
My break has been/will be full of travel fun but as a result I will surely burn a hole in my wallet. I hate asking my parents for money, and have been trying to make an effort to cut unnecessary spending. Tangible consequences: Full day --> Half day lift tickets at Tahoe, cancelled trips, missing out on bobsledding etc. YESH, MISSING OUT ON BOBSLEDDING because my sister wants to go, only her poorer siblings cannot afford $110/hour for bobsledding because they do not make 6 figure salaries :( Try one figure salary.
ohwell. patience, ange.
peace. m'back is killin me